Station upgrade goals

I would like to upgrade my ham radio station in a number of ways, and I thought I would be a bit more organized if I listed them out here.

Improve power distribution
I would like to change the power distribution system in the shack. Currently, there is one MFJ power distribution panel, connected to a deep-cycle marine battery. There is also a 35 amp power supply, which is connected to a few pieces of equipment. Most stuff is on the battery, though, which is kept charged via a 1.5A maintenance charger.
What I would like to do is get a second power panel, and a moosy automotive relay. The second panel will be connected to the relay, which will switch the + lead between the power supply and the battery. The power supply powers the coil, so that when its power drops, it switches the second panel to the battery.
Install solar panel
I got a ~25 watt solar panel for Xmas, and I'd like to use it to replace the 1.5A charger that's currently keeping the battery charged. This will increase the disaster-preparedness of my station, as well as reduce my consumption of grid power.
Build up shelf for operating position
I have been thinking for a long time about how I'd like my operating position to look, and I'm still not sure. However, once I get the equipment sorted out, I'd like to build or find a shelving system that will allow me to have the layout I want. Notably, it should be possible to organize the equipment very neatly, with easily-traced wire layout in the back, possibly with some kind of cable trapping system, or with dedicated intermediary cables between radio and data positions, leading to switches, terminals, etc. as necessary.
Build up shelf for troubleshooting position
I just set up a large table for doing electronics work (a vast improvement over the old, tiny ex-kitchen table), and I finally have all my diagnostic equipment laid out in front of me, but it takes up a lot of table space. I'd like to get or make a shelving system that is essentially a bridge over the table which holds the equipment at eye-level, possibly providing space for books or parts above or below.
Replace operating position computer
My current operating position computer is a p90, and I'd like to replace that with something more modern, which can dual-boot to winderz when necessary for things like PSK31 (currently computer is Linux-only). Sadly, hams seem to be programming in windows more often than Linux.

Created by Ian Johnston. Questions? Please mail me.