Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Sun, 09 Jul 2006

It's like fighting a land war in Asia

"Sir! We've got them on the run, but I don't know how long it will last," Lieutennant Snips reported breathlessly. Around him, the air was filled with the scent of death, but no matter. The war must continue.

I surveyed the field myself. On the eastern front, their forces were gathering like a tidal wave. I could see them spilling over each other, eager to overcome the temporary barrier erected to keep them at bay. Fortunately, the western front was largely under control, and was the operation on which the good lietennant was reporting.

Their armies have been tenacious, and sometimes I feel like I'm fighting the war myself. One man against an endless mountain of thriving, solar-powered chlorophyllic evil. Ipomoea violacea and rubus procerus. And now they're working together.

The first hint of collaboration (which I suspect is against the Geneva Convention, but I'll have to ask my legal staff) appeared this spring, when I found a spiked stem athwart a bulwark, with a coiling stem wound around it like a leafy snake. "This is going to be bad," I thought to myself at the time. My prescience was spot-on.

Now I find spiked vines, their tines razor-sharp -- sharp enough to go straight through leather gauntlets and into soft flesh beneath -- climbing toward the sky and impeding progress through vital tactical thoroughfares. And indeed, twined about them like strangling serpents come the smooth vines of violacea.

The end-times are nigh upon us.

Through tenacious trench warfare, I've kept their forces at bay, and our supply routes remain free and operational. But it's only a matter of time before they simply overwhelm us.

I hope this message makes it out in time to warn my fellow generals. Don't let them gather their forces. Keep them small and on the run. It's the only way to survive.

Posted at 15:28 permanent link category: /misc

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater