Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Mon, 30 Oct 2006

Not a winning business strategy

So, I found a website selling the Cygolite headlight I want to get. I go through all the rigamarole and BS of creating an account (since there is no other way). I get to the point of checking out, and type in all my vital, wallet-draining details. I hit ye olde submit button, and it pops up a little window saying, "you can't pay with a credit card. Select another payment method."

I'll give you one guess as to whether alternate payment methods are listed on this website. You'd be right if you guessed "none."

Ohhhh-kaaay. It's now hard to believe this business is actually, well, in business.

Posted at 22:49 permanent link category: /bicycle

Headlight review-ish

I got myself over to REI tonight to look at a couple of bicycle headlights I'm considering as successors to the current headlight's throne. I was going to do a simple write-up in here, but decided to do it full-on style (sort of) as a proper review.

My review of a couple of LED headlights


Posted at 21:57 permanent link category: /bicycle

Ice cream headache

The temperature on my little gizmo said 33.3° F. That is, about 1° C. I biked in anyway, wearing more layers than I really needed.

Unfortunately, what I neglected to really cover was my head. My ears were freezing by the time I arrived, and I felt the distinctive taut feeling of an ice cream headache developing. It's mostly gone now, fortunately.

So, proof I can ride in quite cold circumstances, at least. Even with the cold, I was still too warm (in a way) when I arrived. I still have some work to do on appropriate levels of insulation.

Posted at 09:39 permanent link category: /bicycle

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater