Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Tue, 04 Sep 2012

Oh, You Know, Rapid Prototyping in Cardboard

Like you do.

I've had this concept for a case running through my head for a few months now, and finally decided tonight was the night to check it out. A few quick strokes with the CAD program, and I had all the numbers I needed. A few more quick strokes with some scissors and a handy expanse of cardboard pulled from the recycling bin, and I had my lovely proto-case for the Air Data Instrument:

I'm still working on how exactly it will be executed, but the basic idea is looking pretty sound so far. There appears to be a bit of room to breathe inside the case, and with correctly re-worked wiring, it looks pretty plausible. The buttons (I picked up some nice, lightweight, weatherproof buttons a while ago) will go across the top, and close enough to the front edge that buckling the case shouldn't be a huge worry. Ram air and power come through the back wall. I have to figure out whether this is actually enough room for everything to pack inside, but that shouldn't be too hard.

It's nice to see progress finally: this project has been stalled for at least 8 months.

Posted at 22:06 permanent link category: /gadgets

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater